The need for V2X
V2X is crucial for enhancing driver safety. By extending awareness beyond the vehicle’s line of sight, V2X can detect dangerous situations much earlier than other sensors. Notably, preventing accidents at visually obstructed intersections.

Cohesive integration with ADAS is essential
A V2X warning can save lives by elevating driver’s attention. Having said that, a warning should be avoided since modern cars are overloading drivers’ attention. Unlike other sensors where the driver can identify the risk after getting the alert, with V2X the risk stays hidden. In which case, the driver might fail to react, and an automatic reaction becomes critical.
Research shows that automated braking is 66% more effective than simply issuing a Forward Collision Warning and having the driver brake. In the case of a side collision at an intersection, with an unseen vehicle, one can expect the effectiveness of automated braking to be even higher.

The necessity of functional safety
V2X is anticipated to evolve into a safety-critical sensor in a few years. As with other safety sensors that are capable of braking the vehicle, functional safety processes need to be implemented to avoid potential malfunctions that may risk lives. In order to take V2X to the next level (that is – of being a safety-critical sensor) functional safety must be taken into account and ASIL grade components must be used.

How to add V2X to ADAS Whitepaper
Current sensors in ADAS equipped cars can corroborate each other for automatic braking. V2X is different. It detects risks that no other sensor can. A different scheme is needed to leverage the early detection of V2X while not creating false braking. This whitepaper discusses how V2X technology can and should be used to trigger automatic braking in vehicles and the necessity of ASIL V2X.