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5G-V2X (Anti-)Killer Apps: Lane Change Assist and Enhanced Safety

By Onn Haran With the existence of multiple V2X standards derived from both WiFi (DSRC) and cellular (LTE-V2X), keeping track of their progress can be challenging. The latest C-V2X generation, 5G-V2X, aims to harmonize the V2X operation in Europe, while promising new features. But what is the practical value of

Vehicle Owners Would Love to Get V2X

By Onn Haran According to the 2024 US Tech Experience Index (TXI) Study by J.D. Power, vehicle owners are only interested in features that solve real problems. Features like hands-on driver assistance and passenger display screens scored low in usefulness compared to those that address specific concerns, such as visual

How can V2X help with distracted driving?

By Onn Haran According to NHTSA, distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,308 people in the US in 2022[1]. In addition, 421,000 injuries were recorded. Distracted driving includes any activity that diverts attention from driving, such as texting (which is the most prolonged distraction), eating and drinking, talking to passengers,

LookApp: a Brand New App for Our Brand New Chip

By Chen Tamir & Adi Gazit The arrival of our 3rd generation V2X technology presented a couple of ‘firsts’: The first 5G-V2X chipset, and the first integration of a V2X stack and applications. These called for a new high quality testing tool to allow customers to test this cutting-edge technology

Can V2X Mitigate Drunk Driving Accidents?

By Sagit Adler In the US alone, one person dies every 39 minutes due to drunk-driving crashes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths.[1] That’s a 16% increase from the 2020 statistics which show that 11,654 people died

The Benefits of V2X to Local Communities

By Sagit Adler Living in a community where people care for each other’s safety and welfare is invaluable. While technology advances, we strive to retain the warmth and connectivity of a close-knit community while embracing the benefits that progress brings. One of the most significant technological advances in recent years

Cooperative Perception Service Can Start Now

By Onn Haran V2X can prevent and mitigate most of the collisions on the road. But it has an inherent limitation: Protection is extended solely to road users equipped with V2X, and their number in the initial market phase is low. Cooperative perception, also called sensor sharing, solves this. A

How Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) impacts V2X?

By Onn Haran In the last years, OEMs are investing huge efforts, and even changing their organization structure, to transform their vehicles into a smartphone-like product. That Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) holds the promise to update the vehicle operation, before and after the vehicle is on the road, using an

The Journey of V2X from Inception to Today

By Sagit Rogenstein Adler Exploring the evolution and hurdles of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication is a fascinating journey that offers valuable insights into the challenges of establishing a new market based on a clear significant need – safer roads. V2X suffered delays despite the promise to reshape the landscape of transportation

Want Reliable AV? Promote V2X

By Onn Haran Several years ago, Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) were promised to be common today, but they can rarely be spotted. Level 3 vehicles were just introduced by Mercedes[1]. Several hundred Level 4 robotaxis are operating globally. Recently, several manufacturers had scaled back plans for self-driving technology. Any V2X supplier

Impressions from OmniAir Plugfest, Florida 2023

By Roy Singer, Director of Customer Support and Applications We have just completed an intensive week of interoperability testing at the Suntrax test facility in the sunny city of Auburndale, Florida. The Plugfest event was organized and hosted by OmniAir, an organization promoting interoperability and certification for connected vehicles. OmniAir

Talking Batteries

By Onn Haran EV batteries are well protected against fires. The battery pack is kept in a guarded enclosure, and its temperature is constantly monitored. These extra measures are needed since lithium-ion batteries are extremely sensitive to high temperatures and inherently flammable. If a lithium-ion battery pack fails, it will

The Ultimate V2X FAQ

The world of V2X and road safety technology is wide, and includes a lot of technical terms, complex technologies, and variety of uses. We know all of this can be really confusing and lead to a lot of questions, the answers of which are scattered all over the web and

What should be the V2X update rate to prevent an accident?

By Onn Haran The V2X concept of operation is simple. Each vehicle equipped with V2X transmits 10 times per second its position, speed, heading, and other parameters. Based on that, the future location of the vehicle can be calculated by other nearby vehicles, and in case of a potential accident,

Talking Batteries

By Onn Haran EV batteries are well protected against fires. The battery pack is kept in a guarded enclosure, and its temperature is constantly monitored.

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The Ultimate V2X FAQ

The world of V2X and road safety technology is wide, and includes a lot of technical terms, complex technologies, and variety of uses. We know

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