Home » In The News » V2X Communication Paves Pathway Toward Zero-Accident Future

V2X Communication Paves Pathway Toward Zero-Accident Future

Home » In The News » V2X Communication Paves Pathway Toward Zero-Accident Future

Hagai Zyss, CEO of Autotalks, explained how the company’s recently launched V2X chipsets contribute to improving urban road traffic safety and how V2X communication paves the way toward a zero-accident, zero-death future.

Flocks of birds swoop and swirl together in the sky. How can we mimic that effortless choreography when sharing the road with other drivers and road users? Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications could reshape the future of urban traffic by coordinating intentions, aligning movements, and creating a networking effect of safety on the roads.

V2X encompasses vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communications. In an interview with EE Times Europe, Hagai Zyss, CEO of Autotalks, explained how the company’s recently launched V2X chipsets contribute to improving urban road traffic safety and how V2X communication paves the way toward a zero-accident, zero-death future.

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