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V2X contributes to sustainability

主页 » 博客 » V2X contributes to sustainability
v2x vs no v2x

The world’s largest mobility show, IAA mobility, which took place in early September 2021 in Munich, was all about sustainability. Not a single petrol vehicle was launched. BMW showed a 100% recyclable car concept. Bike halls were added to the event.

Sustainable transportation is essential if we want to pass down to our kids a healthy planet. V2X can help fulfill this noble goal:

  • Safer roads are less congested. Lower congestion reduces CO2V2X communication can prevent accidents that no other sensors can. Only V2X can detect obstructed or hidden road-users (non-line-of-sight operation). Only V2X can be used to share information between vehicles about other road-users (collective perception). On top of the horrendous fatalities, injuries, and property damages, each accident creates a traffic distraction. Reducing the number of accidents will decrease road congestion. TNO[1] research estimates that V2X contribution to road safety can reduce CO2 by 6%.
  • Cooperative driving shortens travel time and reduces accelerations. Vehicles with CACC (Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control) can optimally set their speed based on the traffic ahead. That prevents unnecessary braking and accelerations. Phantom traffic jams are avoided. Data shows that avoiding stops is very beneficial, reducing CO2 emission by 13-45%. In addition, 6% CO2 reduction is achieved just by minimizing the accelerations. Further reduction is possible by shortening the distance between vehicles, as air-drag resistance is lowered.
  • V2X protection of cyclists would encourage their usage. Cyclists are the most vulnerable road-users. Drivers and advanced vehicle sensors struggle to detect cyclists as they are small, fast, and often obstructed. V2X can change that by getting the cyclists noticed. With a greater sense of safety, more people would be encouraged to use a bicycle as a form of transportation. Moving from a car to a bicycle not only eliminates the emission of the CO2 of the ride itself, but also the CO2 emitted during the car manufacturing, which is a major part of overall CO2 emission of the vehicle lifetime.
  • Public transportation prioritization would encourage its usage and reduce its emissions. A V2X powered traffic signal can prioritize public transportation in intersections. Shorter and consistent travel times can increase the number of people using the bus service. Therefore, CO2 emissions are decreased by the increased use of public transportation and by shortening the bus’s stops. (see also: smart transportation).

Although the research focused on CO2 emitted by ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) the same impact exists for EVs (Electrical Vehicles). Less energy would be consumed from the battery in the same scenarios.

The potential CO2 reduction from V2X is dramatic. V2X should be deployed in high quantities as early as possible, helping  reach sustainable transportation.

[1] https://5gaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Environmental-Benefits-of-C-V2X.pdf

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