主页 » 产品 » CRATON2


主页 » 产品 » CRATON2


CRATON2是Autotalks的第二代芯片组,专为互联自动驾驶车辆设计,是目前最先进、最安全和唯一的 全球V2X通信 解决方案。 它集成了针对流动性优化的 IEEE802.11p DSRC和C-V2X直连通信(PC5)调制解调器、超低时延的V2X硬件安全模块(eHSM)、强大的线速消息验证硬件加速引擎、能运行全部V2X中介软件和应用程序的双核ARM Cortex A7处理器以及选装的安全CAN MCU。 此外,CRATON2还支持IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac,启用车辆外联Wi-Fi来实现增值服务。 CRATON2高度集成,成本达到了最优,因为它减少了开发、集成和认证工作,并确保产品能以最快时间上市。


双通道/分集IEEE 802.11p和C-V2X直连通信(PC5)第 14版 / 第 15版流动性优化调制解调器

IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac运行频段为2.4GHz / 5GHz


AEC Q-100第2级(-40°C至+105°C环境温度)


集成双核ARM Cortex A7应用CPU

带CAN FD和FlexRay接口的安全CAN MCU选项

丰富的接口,包括USB 2.0、以太网10/100/1000 AVB


CRATON2 – Autotalks V2X communications processor, with mobility-optimized baseband transceiver and security accelerator
PLUTON2 – Autotalks V2X RF Transceiver
Phantom power cable compensator port (optional EVK HW variation)

CRATON2 EVK device contains:
Dual 802.11p/WiFi PHY and MAC for supporting concurrent dual channel operation or single channel with optimal TX/RX diversity
C-V2X direct communications (PC5) PHY and MAC for supporting operation with optimal 3GPP Rel. 14 and Rel. 15 defined TX/RX diversity
On-board GNSS receiver
On-chip accelerator for ECSDA verification
On-chip Hardware Security Module for secure cryptographic operations
CAN FD interface for vehicle integration
USB and Ethernet interfaces
Upgradable Firmware

Use Cases:

V2X software and application development
Field tests
Prototyping platform for Autotalks 2nd generation chipset


(2) DSRC/C-V2X/5GHz WiFi antenna port(s)
Configurable V2X RF Compensator or 2.4GHz WiFi antenna port
RS232 – CRATON2 UART for main CPU console
ETH0/GE half-/full-duplex Gigabit Ethernet
ETH1/BR half-/full-duplex BroadR-Reach Ethernet
GNSS antenna
(2) CAN bus interfaces
JTAG – 10-pin Header for debug
microSD socket – for extended logging storage
USB(0) 2.0-mini-B 5 pin
USB(1) 2.0 (type A)
Power: 9v-16v DC-in power supply
REMAP switch; Flash/Boot configuration